Monday, October 24, 2016

"Tierra Desolada" para el concurso #HistoriasdeMiedo de Zenda Libros

            Los primeros rayos de sol se colaban por los ventanales de la habitación. Aquel antiguo gimnasio de colegio con salida a un pequeño patio rectangular, donde pasaban los recreos los alumnos de infantil, les había servido de cobijo durante meses. Amelia levantó con mucho cuidado la capota del capazo para evitar que la claridad de la mañana despertara al pequeño Gus. Giró la cabeza y con un susurro apenas imperceptible -“es la hora”- señaló a su hijo el camino de la puerta. Gus, padre, que hacía ya un par de horas que esperaba este momento, se levantó con sigilo y abandonó la iluminada habitación en dirección a la cocina. Ambos sabían que el llanto de un bebé podía ser un reclamo fatal en la época que les tocaba vivir, así que tenían que adelantarse a cualquier necesidad del pequeño. El bebé empezó a sollozar levemente. Amelia terminó de abrir las puertas que daban al patio y se acercó al capazo, envolvió con un arrullo al bebé y lo acunó suavemente en sus brazos hasta que se calmó. Todas las mañanas era el mismo ritual, todo funcionaba como un reloj. Por eso, Amelia supo enseguida que algo no iba bien cuando escuchó el crujido de ramas secas que provenía del patio. Lentamente se giró y sus ojos encontraron los de otra mujer, ensangrentados, fijos en los suyos. Amelia quedó paralizada por el MIEDO y no pudo hacer más que apretar al pequeño Gus contra su pecho. Mientras Amelia seguía hipnotizada en los ojos y el rostro desfigurado de aquel ser, dos crías de Nueva Era aparecieron tras ella, olfateando, golpeando sus dientes mientras abrían y cerraban su boca y emitiendo ese sonido gutural, desquiciante que tenían por lenguaje.

            Gus había habilitado la cocina al fondo de un largo corredor en lo que antaño fuera una sala de reuniones. La oscuridad reinaba en aquel largo pasillo, todas las puertas estaban apuntaladas, lo que permitía tener a baja temperatura la cocina y la despensa, para una mejor conservación de los alimentos. Gus avanzaba con los brazos extendidos, tocando las paredes y los marcos de las puertas para orientarse. Al llegar a la habitación del fondo, retiró un pequeño panel de una de las ventanas y se dirigió hacia la despensa para coger algo de fruta. Desenvainó uno de los cuchillos que llevaba en el cinturón y pese a la poca visibilidad empezó a pelar unas peras con rapidez y precisión. Gus siempre acudía a la cocina bien abrigado por la baja temperatura de esta, pero de repente sintió un escalofrío por la espalda como si la temperatura hubiera bajado de golpe. Giró su cabeza lentamente y a través del hilo de luz distinguió, parado en medio de la habitación, un Nueva Era adulto. No pudo evitar fijarse por un segundo en sus ojos ensangrentados, pero desvió rápidamente la vista, era por todos sabido que tenían un efecto hipnotizador. El Nueva Era tenía los labios destrozados, como un tic nervioso no dejaba de mordérselos de arriba abajo, de izquierda a derecha, dejando regueros finos de sangre que caían de las heridas. Por el largo pasillo avanzaban sonidos guturales provenientes del gimnasio. Gus conocía su forma de rondar, los Nueva Era nunca iban solos, a veces en grupos de adultos, pero casi siempre con crías a las que estaban enseñando a cazar. De un movimiento rápido e imperceptible por la oscuridad, Gus lanzó un certero hachazo que partió el cráneo de aquel ser a la mitad. De dos patadas lo apartó de la puerta y corrió con piernas de plomo a lo largo de aquel pasillo que parecía alargarse por momentos. La luz estaba cada vez más cerca, Gus dirigió la mirada hacia su cinturón en busca de un nuevo cuchillo cuando recibió un gran topetazo en la cabeza que lo empotró contra la pared. Se sintió mareado y apenas veía nada pero notó como otro Nueva Era adulto se abalanzaba sobre él. Como pudo evitó el primer envite, pero al segundo intento notó los afilados dientes de aquel salvaje hundiéndose en los  dedos de su mano izquierda. Con la diestra y mientras la bestia se ensañaba mordiendo, alcanzó uno de sus cuchillos y pudo rebanarle el cuello. Sin apenas pensarlo pero con conciencia de lo que hacía, limpió el cuchillo con la sangre del Nueva Era y de un golpe seco y rápido se amputó los tres dedos que le había mordido. El veneno de ese ser no correría ni un segundo por su sangre pensó. -¡Gus, Gus!- empezó a resonar por el pasillo justo después del alarido por la amputación. -¡Gus, Gus!- repitió con desesperación mientras corría hacia el gimnasio y parecía no avanzar. -¡Gus, Gus!- -¡Gus, capitán!- -¡Gus, capitán!- se oía cada vez más lejano uno y más cercano el otro -¡Gus, capitán!- ¡Capitán! Gritó por última vez el alférez Martínez antes de zarandear al capitán Gus Rodríguez.

            - Mi capitán, despierte- dijo un acelerado Martínez.
            Totalmente desorientado y empapado en sudor el capitán general de la resistencia del área beta abrió los ojos y se incorporó sobre sus codos. El oscuro y estrecho corredor había dado paso a un barracón de paredes verdes y lleno de literas metálicas con mantas de ese mismo color.
            - Mi capitán- repitió Martínez con tono más pausado- Gus- se permitió por tantos años de servicio conjunto- ¿Otra vez las pesadillas?
            El capitán se incorporó sentándose en la litera y cogiendo algo de la mesilla.
            - ¿Cuál es la situación? Preguntó sin responder a lo anterior.
            - Parece ser que han descubierto la base señor, hay una avanzada muy numerosa de Nueva Era.
            - ¿Cuántos? Inquirió sin cambiar el semblante.
            - Se estima que unos quinientos mil- apuntó Martínez después de un breve silencio.
            - En seguida voy- dijo Gus sin girarse mientras se ajustaba y miraba fijamente su guante de cuero negro de solo dos dedos y la inscripción A/G en la palma- Pronto estaremos juntos- susurró.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Speak as much as you can!!Surveys in class!!

      In this new post we will suggest the use of Surveys in our English class. Surveys are a good way to practice the new and the reviewed structures. First of all, they provide a big amount of repetition for our pupils, therefore practice, far away from those very boring traditional repetition drills. it is also a motivating way of interaction with classmates since they have to get all the information from them. Finally, it is a means to use the language in "real" interaction, that is, to use the language with a purpose.
      In this post, we show you three different surveys, to practice different aspects of vocabulary and structures. Surveys are easy to make and can be made about whatever aspect of vocabulary, so it is a very handy resource we have for our lessons. We Hope you like it.
WEATHER(What's your favourite...?Primary 4
      Here we will practice some weather vocabulary, together with the days of the week and the seasons.
      Firstly, our pupils will ask three different classmates to complete the chart given. Then, each pupil has to complete a brief text with their personal information.
      Later on,they will draw a weather chart with the weather forecast for a week. Finally, they will have to write and say the information they have previously drawn in their weather chart.

SCHOOL OBJECTS(Have you got...?)Primary 3
      In the next survey we will practice some school objects vocabulary with the structure "Have you got...?" Each pupil has to ask three classmates using the structure given.
      Secondly, when they have all the information, they will make a bar graph to represent the information they got.
      Finally, each pupil will write about what they have or haven't got, using the vocabulary given.


      In the following survey we will practice some sport verbs with the structure "Can you play...?". Each pupil has to ask three classmates using the structure given. Then, each pupil will write about what they can and can't do.
      Secondly, when they have all the information, they will make a bar graph to represent the information they got.
      Finally, using "I've got and I haven't got" they will write about sports items.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Haunted House

Apart from being a very important cultural aspect and quite attractive and motivating for our pupils, Halloween can also be a good opportunity to practice and review some English structures. In the following post, "The Haunted House", we propose a didactic unit, based on Halloween vocabulary, in which we will practice the four skills and also grammar contents such as there is/are ,prepositions, questions and short answers...

Start the lesson doing a brief brainstorm on Halloween vocabulary. Try to get all the words they know about Halloween although they are not the ones you have chosen for the unit. After this, introduce the vocabulary using flashcards and playing some games with them. Visit  to get free flashcards and printable activities, it is very useful to make our own material.

After the flashcard games, our pupils have seen both the oral and the written form of the new words, so it is time to practice with them, in this case we propose a crossword and a wordsearch. 
Now it is time to deliver "The Haunted House" sheet. Firstly we will work with the prepositions "on, in, under, behind..." and the parts of the house so it is worthy having a little time to review them. We propose two different levels here, 3rd and 4th of primary.

After these activities, to finish, we will deliver a little ghost to be coloured by our pupils and used to make a speaking activity. In pairs, our pupils will put the ghost in a room and the classmate have to guess where he is asking different questions e.g. Is he in the bathroom? yes, he is. Is he in the bath? No he isn't. Is he behind the door? Yes, he is. then they change roles

We hope you find it useful. See you!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Craft Snowman

     In our new entry at Pbc English we show you a craft activity to make with your 1st cycle pupils. Craft activities are a very handy opportunity to practise English in a different way. The craft to be done in class must be simple because the instruction given in English need to be easy to follow. If it is simple and attractive success is guaranteed.
     Material we need.
- White Cardboard circles
- Paper
- felt tip pen
- Scissors and glue
- Bookbinders

      Apart from the craft sense, which are very useful to develop fine motor movement in our younger pupils, with this activity we also review the parts of the body. As a warming up we play the very well known game Simon Says. As i said before we are reviewing the parts of the body and with this game all our pupils remember them or even can learn some new words if they do not know them.
     After remembering the parts of the body it is time to start with the craft activity.

1st Step: The Head

     Deliver a circle made out of white cardboard to the children. Then, they will draw, colour and cut out the eyes, the nose and the mouth of our snowman. Later on, they will stick all these on the white cardboard. It is always very helpful and positive to show a finished work so they can figure out what you want them to do.

2nd Step: The Body

     In the same way we did in step 1, deliver a white cardboard circle, this time a little bigger to make the body. Then, pupils draw, colour, cut out and stick the buttons and the scarf.

3rd Step: Get the Snowman Together

     Finally, when both parts of the snowman are finished (head and body) we will join them using a bookbinder. We can do the same with the arms and hands, so we will have a kind of  articulated or mobile craft.
Pbc English

Monday, December 23, 2013

Santa's Coming to Town

In this new entry in Pbc English Santa is coming to our pre-school class in the shape of a fun Christmas Card.( 5 years of infant education)
Material we need:
- Cardboard (red, orange & green)
- Scissors
- Glue
- Some cotton

1st Step: Deliver cardboard to cut out

The first thing to do is to give our pupils the pieces of cardboard to cut out. It may seem simple but we can't forget that they are very slow in the process. Then, give them a piece of green cardboard folded as a Christmas card.  After cutting out all the pieces of the cardboard, stick them on the front part of the Christmas card.

   Face: They can stick the eyes or simply draw them.
        Hat: Stick the hat and a white paper strip on it.

2nd Step: Cotton hair and beard

Secondly, after glueing the cardboard, our pupils will start sticking the cotton to make Santa's beard and hair. a little guidance will be necessary, otherwise the results would be strange. It is always very useful to show them a finished example of the work we are doing so they can figure out what they have to do.

 Stick the cotton around the face and make Santa's hair and beard

 To finish, stick a cotton ball at the top of the hat.

Step 3: Inside the Christmas Card: 

The last step is to colour and decorate the inside part of the Christmas card. I have chosen a picture of Santa to colour, with the words "Father Christmas" because it is the vocabulary we were working in class.

I hope you find it interesting and useful for your lessons with the youngest pupils. Have a look to some of their best works. Merry Christmas!

Pbc English

Friday, December 13, 2013

Welcome Christmas Time Sweetly: "School-made Trifle"(2/2)

It is time to prepare our "class-made" trifle. In this new entry in Pbc English I will show how we prepared this delicious and traditional dessert in our language class...a different way to bring British culture in our language class.
1st step: show and tell the ingredients.

In the last lesson we divided the class in groups and each group decided the ingredients they were going to use. So, firstly, in this lesson, one by one each group tells and shows the ingredients the have chosen.

2nd Step: giving instructions and following the recipe 

I began giving the instructions for the first layer, the sponge cake. Then, each group in turn gave the instructions of how to prepare the other layers, jelly, fruit, custard, cream and the final decoration with jelly.

They used vocabulary such as put, add, spread, cut, remove...At the same time they were giving the
instructions, they were adding the layers.

3rd step: Decoration with jelly

When all the groups finished putting all the layers, we decorated the trifle with Jelly...

 4th step: Yummy Yummy!

Here you have the final result... we enjoyed cooking in English, working together, learned some culture and most important IT WAS DELICIOUS


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Welcome Christmas Time Sweetly: "School-made Trifle"(1/2)

Christmas Time is here and we are greeting it with a famous and traditional dessert in the British isles...Trifle
Trifle is a very traditional British recipe consisting of layers of different and delicious ingredients: cake, fruit, jelly, cream, is very colourful so it immediately becomes very attractive for children. In this new entry in PBC English I will show you how I worked with this recipe in my 3rd cycle class. Yummy!!!
1st Step: Show recipe, possible ingredients and how to make it.

I showed them pictures in the digital board so they can see the trifle

2nd Step: video sheet.

I delivered a sheet containing some question they have to answer after watching the video of the trifle recipe.

3rd Step: Brainstorm

Before watching the video, children told me what they thought it was going to appear in the video. We wrote everything in the digital board.

4th Step: Watch the video.

I found in YouTube an "easy to follow" video of how to prepare trifle. It lasts 5 minutes so I played it once, then checked for understanding and then played it again(in the digital board). Then we corrected the video sheet stopping the video and finding the answers.

 5th Step: Post-brainstorm and groups.

Finally, we went back to the brainstorm, we saw what they have predicted and completed with vocabulary they learned from the video. To conclude the class I made the groups for the next class in which we will prepare and eat our "school-made trifle".